Monday, November 1, 2010

Carving pumpkins, and an absent hobo

So I was all ready and excited to dress up as a hobo for Halloween. Well, low and behold, the one day ever in my life I oversleep the alarm, I choose Halloween to do it on. I opened, so I had to be at work at 6:30 Halloween morning. I woke up at 5:00, decided I wanted to go back to bed for another half hour, set the alarm for 30 minutes, and konked right back out. Well when the alarm went off-I turned it off. . . . . .and again went right back to bed. I have no idea why I thought I would only go back to sleep for 5 more minutes, cuz as we all know, that never happens. So that "5 minutes" turned into another hour. Its not 6:37 in the morning when I finally get the bright idea to open my eyes and look at the clock. Panic ensues. I have never gotten dressed so fast in my life. Screw the Halloween costume, I just needed to get my butt to work. Clocking in 15 minutes late, it turned out to be okay. My manager knew I have never done anything like that before, and therefore didn't chew me out. So once the panic went away, I was just bummed that I wasn't in costume for my shift.
But alas, the day went well, regardless of the alarm mishap.
I was excited for trick-or-treaters this year, because the previous 2 years we never got any. So this year I was hoping a new neighborhood would bring them to our house in droves. We got 1. But we were ready for them!

Backtracking a bit. . . .on Friday night, we carved our pumpkins! We had a lot of fun, and baked the pumkin seeds too, which are the best part. Here's Jake's pumpkin. . . .

And here's mine. . . .

Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! And at least you have a costume all ready for next year!
