Wednesday, November 17, 2010

. . . .And big sigh of relief

School is quickly winding down for the semester, yet again. Its so crazy to think that I only have two more to get through, and I will be done. What a wierd feeling.
This week was quite hectic, by my own doing. I had a 5-page paper to write. . . that I waited til Sunday night and 4:00 Monday morning to work on. I had a quiz yesterday I had to study for. . . which I didn't do til yesterday morning. And my group and I had our huge project presentation yesterday, which I am pleased to say went really well, I think.
I do this to myself semester after semester. Wait to the absolute last possible minute to get things done-then get up at 3am and turture myself, in order to get them done. Every time I procrastinate, I always ask myself (in a panic) "Why do I always do this?!". . . . .And then I do the exact same thing for the next thing on my to-do list. Ah, the cycle might never end.
Thanksgiving is next Thursday (right?), and thus begins the glorious week we don't have classes. After our too-short break, we have just 2 weeks of classes, then battling through finals; and the Fall semester will be over. Bring on winter break. Hopefully, mine will be filled with internship days, if I get it.
I'm hoping Spring and Fall semesters of 2011 will go by quickly, and then yours truly will be a FREAKING COLLEGE GRADUATE. . . . .Ahem, 'scuze me. I get a tad excited when I think about NEVER HAVING ANYMORE HOMEWORK!. . . .Oh there I go again. He he he.

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