Wednesday, October 27, 2010

41 weeks. . . You'd think I was pregnant

So I recently just figured out that I have just about 41 weeks left of school. Period. Then I will be done. Forever. There are 6 weeks left in this semester, then I think 18 weeks in each Spring and Fall of 2011. So that comes out to be around 41-42 weeks left!
. . . .But. (Yes, there is always a but) I found out that there is a cap of only 17 units that you can take per semester, which is just ONE unit short of 6 classes. Which screws my plan up. I was intending on taking 6 classes next semester, which left my final 5 for Fall 2011, then I would be done. Well because I can't take all six classes, only 5, and I probably won't be able to add it on to Fall 2011 semester, I will most likely be either adding a whole extra semester just for ONE CLASS, or taking that one remaining class in winter or summer session. Which, isn't really a huge deal, its a fast track class, only 3 weeks I think. . .but (see, there's that word again) its something like $700 for just one class in summer or winter. Yikes.
So, worst case scenerio, I tack on 3 more weeks for the summer/winter course to my (already do-able) 41 left. Thats only like 44 weeks. Still do-able!
Just thought I'd share that light-at-the-end-of-the-never-ending-tunnel moment with you.

1 comment:

  1. It's very exciting! Good for you. I don't think I'll ever have that moment. Once I have my BA, I'll probably start dreaming of an MA.
