Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Path

I have recently decided that I am not going back to school next semester. I know what you're thinking: "What? But Katie, you only have a year left. Why stop now??" Well I'll tell ya why. I'm not happy. Period. For a while now, I've been feeling like the major I'm in and the path I'm on just isn't right for me, and not something I want to do anymore. But, since I was already in school for it, and super close to being done, I shoved those feelings aside and rolled with it. Well, enough.
In theory, being a scritptwriter for Hollywood, or wherever, is a cool job. In reality, I just don't see myself actually doing it. I am so not a competitive person, or a confrontational person. And the major I've picked and the industry I'm going towards is exactly that.
So, I'm taking off my advertiser/scriptwriter hat, and putting on a new one. What that new hat will be; I don't know yet. But thats exactly it; I don't know, and I don't have to know. What I would like to try looking into, is a public safety dispatcher. I think that suits me (for now), and its something I have always had a passion for. And, if that path doesn't work out, I will find a new one.
But for right now, I can't do the Chico State act anymore. That area is one that I thought I'd have a drive for, and I don't. So you live and learn. That's what life is about. Finding yourself and what learning what makes you happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey good for you! I am glad you have searched within yourself and you are happy in this new path of your life. As always anything we can do to help you, just ask.
