Saturday, November 13, 2010

Coffee, babies and homework

I bought my first ever coffee maker yesterday, and I made my first ever cup of coffee this morning. *Beams* I'm very proud. How did it taste? Well, condisering it was my first attempt ever, it wasn't too bad. It  did taste kind of, blah, but I also used sugar-free creamer, and I'm assuming that had something to do with it. So, I'm gonna get  non-sugar free creamer, and try again tomorrow.
Ok, so I know I always go on and on about how everyone around me is pregnant or has kids. And I know I go on and on about how I can't wait to get pregnant and start our family. And thats true, I can't wait to start a family with Jake.But the truth is: I am not ready for a baby. We have friends who have two kids, one being a few months old. Everytime we go over there and I get to hold Max and help feed him and whatnot, I realize that I am not ready for that responsibility. Now, if we were get pregnant unexpectedly, that would be a different story, I would be ready for the duties ahead because I would have to be. But as far as actually trying to get pregnant-not on my list for at least a little while.
I know that when it is my own child, I will feel less awkward, and I know it takes time to get the hang of the ins and out of motherhood. But for right now-I'm enjoying being 22, and a baby will fit into our lives someday.
Now, onto homework. Ugh. Not much to say about it, except that I don't want to do it. The semester is dwindling to a close. We have one more week, then a week off for Turkey Day, then something like 2 more weeks of classes, then finals. Then we get 6 glorious week off.. . . . . .And get to start the process all over again come January. But, that process will soon come to an end. Yay.
That is all for now. If I die suddenly, blame my paper that I am desperately avoiding like the plague.


  1. Ugh, I have papers I have been avoiding too. I just...can't do them.

    I know what you mean about babies. Everyone around me has them and as much as I want to be a mom someday, I'm just not as ready as everyone else seems to be. I can't even remember to feed MYSELF breakfast most days!

  2. Hahahahaha. That's exactly it, I'm not as ready as I think I am.
