Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving and babysitting

I do hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did! I worked in the morning, but got off at 11:30, so I had most of the day free. We split the day between Jake's parent's house and my parent's house.

Me and my sweet man.   :)

Me and my will-one-day-be my mother in law.

My wonderful sister and I!

Me, my sister and our mom!  : )

It was a truly wonderful day.
Now, onto babysitting. I got the pleasure of babysitting my co-worker's adorable 1-year old, Mia. She was such a joy! It's good practice for me.

Hard at work on the etch-a-sketch.

She finally warmed up to my jolly green giant boyfriend, (She's looking at him)

We were playing peek-a-boo under the table. So much fun!

Hi there!!

We had a very fun time!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Path

I have recently decided that I am not going back to school next semester. I know what you're thinking: "What? But Katie, you only have a year left. Why stop now??" Well I'll tell ya why. I'm not happy. Period. For a while now, I've been feeling like the major I'm in and the path I'm on just isn't right for me, and not something I want to do anymore. But, since I was already in school for it, and super close to being done, I shoved those feelings aside and rolled with it. Well, enough.
In theory, being a scritptwriter for Hollywood, or wherever, is a cool job. In reality, I just don't see myself actually doing it. I am so not a competitive person, or a confrontational person. And the major I've picked and the industry I'm going towards is exactly that.
So, I'm taking off my advertiser/scriptwriter hat, and putting on a new one. What that new hat will be; I don't know yet. But thats exactly it; I don't know, and I don't have to know. What I would like to try looking into, is a public safety dispatcher. I think that suits me (for now), and its something I have always had a passion for. And, if that path doesn't work out, I will find a new one.
But for right now, I can't do the Chico State act anymore. That area is one that I thought I'd have a drive for, and I don't. So you live and learn. That's what life is about. Finding yourself and what learning what makes you happy.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

. . . .And big sigh of relief

School is quickly winding down for the semester, yet again. Its so crazy to think that I only have two more to get through, and I will be done. What a wierd feeling.
This week was quite hectic, by my own doing. I had a 5-page paper to write. . . that I waited til Sunday night and 4:00 Monday morning to work on. I had a quiz yesterday I had to study for. . . which I didn't do til yesterday morning. And my group and I had our huge project presentation yesterday, which I am pleased to say went really well, I think.
I do this to myself semester after semester. Wait to the absolute last possible minute to get things done-then get up at 3am and turture myself, in order to get them done. Every time I procrastinate, I always ask myself (in a panic) "Why do I always do this?!". . . . .And then I do the exact same thing for the next thing on my to-do list. Ah, the cycle might never end.
Thanksgiving is next Thursday (right?), and thus begins the glorious week we don't have classes. After our too-short break, we have just 2 weeks of classes, then battling through finals; and the Fall semester will be over. Bring on winter break. Hopefully, mine will be filled with internship days, if I get it.
I'm hoping Spring and Fall semesters of 2011 will go by quickly, and then yours truly will be a FREAKING COLLEGE GRADUATE. . . . .Ahem, 'scuze me. I get a tad excited when I think about NEVER HAVING ANYMORE HOMEWORK!. . . .Oh there I go again. He he he.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Coffee, babies and homework

I bought my first ever coffee maker yesterday, and I made my first ever cup of coffee this morning. *Beams* I'm very proud. How did it taste? Well, condisering it was my first attempt ever, it wasn't too bad. It  did taste kind of, blah, but I also used sugar-free creamer, and I'm assuming that had something to do with it. So, I'm gonna get  non-sugar free creamer, and try again tomorrow.
Ok, so I know I always go on and on about how everyone around me is pregnant or has kids. And I know I go on and on about how I can't wait to get pregnant and start our family. And thats true, I can't wait to start a family with Jake.But the truth is: I am not ready for a baby. We have friends who have two kids, one being a few months old. Everytime we go over there and I get to hold Max and help feed him and whatnot, I realize that I am not ready for that responsibility. Now, if we were get pregnant unexpectedly, that would be a different story, I would be ready for the duties ahead because I would have to be. But as far as actually trying to get pregnant-not on my list for at least a little while.
I know that when it is my own child, I will feel less awkward, and I know it takes time to get the hang of the ins and out of motherhood. But for right now-I'm enjoying being 22, and a baby will fit into our lives someday.
Now, onto homework. Ugh. Not much to say about it, except that I don't want to do it. The semester is dwindling to a close. We have one more week, then a week off for Turkey Day, then something like 2 more weeks of classes, then finals. Then we get 6 glorious week off.. . . . . .And get to start the process all over again come January. But, that process will soon come to an end. Yay.
That is all for now. If I die suddenly, blame my paper that I am desperately avoiding like the plague.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hi's, low's and everything in between

I have recently come to realize four things:

1. No matter how much you think you know or like someone, they still have the potential to stab you in the back.

2. Contrary to their beliefs, I in fact, don't need to know every sickeningly personal detail of the elderly population's life. Case in point, the other day at work, I was bagging this old lady's order, and she felt the random need to inform me that the reason she had bought the cranberry juice was to help with her BLADDER INFECTION. Yes, bladder. Infection. . . . .Aaaaaand gross.

3. Being told that I have (her exact words) "The most beautiful skin ever", despite the fact that I was sporting a much resented giant angry red zit in the middle of my face-was a moment that made my day.

4. I will, one-day-some-day-I'm wishing-and-hoping be working at Disneyland.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Carving pumpkins, and an absent hobo

So I was all ready and excited to dress up as a hobo for Halloween. Well, low and behold, the one day ever in my life I oversleep the alarm, I choose Halloween to do it on. I opened, so I had to be at work at 6:30 Halloween morning. I woke up at 5:00, decided I wanted to go back to bed for another half hour, set the alarm for 30 minutes, and konked right back out. Well when the alarm went off-I turned it off. . . . . .and again went right back to bed. I have no idea why I thought I would only go back to sleep for 5 more minutes, cuz as we all know, that never happens. So that "5 minutes" turned into another hour. Its not 6:37 in the morning when I finally get the bright idea to open my eyes and look at the clock. Panic ensues. I have never gotten dressed so fast in my life. Screw the Halloween costume, I just needed to get my butt to work. Clocking in 15 minutes late, it turned out to be okay. My manager knew I have never done anything like that before, and therefore didn't chew me out. So once the panic went away, I was just bummed that I wasn't in costume for my shift.
But alas, the day went well, regardless of the alarm mishap.
I was excited for trick-or-treaters this year, because the previous 2 years we never got any. So this year I was hoping a new neighborhood would bring them to our house in droves. We got 1. But we were ready for them!

Backtracking a bit. . . .on Friday night, we carved our pumpkins! We had a lot of fun, and baked the pumkin seeds too, which are the best part. Here's Jake's pumpkin. . . .

And here's mine. . . .

Happy Halloween!!