Friday, January 21, 2011

Paper or plastic, 6 inch or footlong, 911 what's your emergency?

I got home from work today, and checked the mail. Behold, what do I find? A letter addressed to me, from none other than the Paradise Police Department. Apparently, even though I turned my application in at the wrong place, they still kept my app on file. They liked what they saw, and I passed the inital review. (Meaning my typing score was high enough to spark their attention, and my job background was sufficient.) So, I go in for the testing process on Feb, 3rd!!! Don't really know what all that entails, but I shall find out soon enough. It said to be prepared for the testing to take around 3 hours, so I'm not sure what they'll be doing and testing, but hey! I made it to the testing round, so thats gotta be good!
I'm so very excited. When I found out I turned my app in at the wrong place, I figured that was it, and they had written me off. So thats when I got my job back at Subway, thinking I'd do the Subway and Savemart thing for awhile, and reapply for the dispatcher eventually down the road. Think again! They liked me, they really liked me!
So, I shall quite anxiously await the 3rd of next month, cross my fingers, answer honestly and to the best of my knowledge, and wish and hope that I get the job! Don't know how long it will take til I found out if I'm hired or not, but, one step at a time. At least I got into the testing!
I will keep you updated, as I'm sure your just dying to know the end result.
Yay for me!  


  1. That is so exciting, Katie! I'm happy for you. I really hope the testing goes well! I'll keep you in my thoughts!

  2. Congratulations! That is awesome Katie! I hope that everything works out with this. It is awesome that they kept your app and have made contact. AWESOME! Crossing my fingers for you that you get this job! Good Luck!
