Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We're in the money (hopefully)

So, as you know-I'm taking some time off from school. Don't know when I'll be going back, what I do know is that I'm flat broke and need to make me some money. So, after applying for a public safety dispatcher (which didn't work out, because apparently I needed to turn my application in at Town Hall, not the freaking Police Department.), and trying to apply at the hospital (no department was hiring), and driving down to Chico on a whim one morning in hopes of landing an office assistant job (if the position has already been filled, you UPDATE your posting on Craigslist.), I went to my old job (Subway), and asked if they were hiring, and if I could get rehired. Well. . .they were, and I could!
So, as of yesterday I am welcomed back to Subway, and still on at Savemart.      : )  Yay!
Bring on the chaos, bring on the flying back and forth from one job to the other, and bring on the money!
So, I ask you: "Is plastic ok?" and "A 6-inch or foot long?"


  1. Good for you for doing what you have to! I don't know that I could manage 2 jobs, but at least they're close by each other! You're doing great, good luck with this! I'm sure I'll see you soon, I have addition to banana peppers. :)

  2. Hahahahaha, thanks. And ya gotta love those banana peppers!

  3. Good Luck! That sounds very chaotic, you're a better man than I. I don't know if I could hold down two jobs and keep my sanity. Patty with her addiction (lol) to banana peppers and I with my love of the chicken sandwiches will surely be seeing you at Subway sometime. :)
