Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Movin' right along!

H-e-e-el-l-l-o-o-o-o everybody!

Happy winter, happy Halloween, and happy Thanksgiving!! Think I covered everything I missed since my last post.
Hope you all had a wonderful turkey day, I know I did. We split the day between both sets of parents, like we usually do, and it was lovely. We're blessed that both parents are here in town! Plus that means 2 turkey dinners.   : D

Let's see, well Jake and I are now members of Costco. We decided it was probably in our best interest to sign up, if for nothing else then to take advantage of buying diapers and wipes in bulk.
I downgraded my phone, the iPhone is out, and a regular 'ole basic phone is in. I really thought about it and decided I don't need to be paying $30 extra a month, just so I can have Facebook by my side at all times. I'm trying to train my brain into thinking "that's money I could be spending on diapers". And (to me) a smartphone isn't exactly in that mindset.

Bump update: we are now halfway through this pregnancy, CRAZY!! April is gonna be here before we know it, and then we'll get to hold our sweet boy. We can't wait to meet him and see what he look like! Here's the most recent pic at 19 weeks:

Grow, baby boy, grow!!
We had a dr. appt. yesterday, and he said he wants to see us 2 more times, 4 weeks apart like normal. THEN he's wants us in every TWO weeks!! What?! I can't even believe it's already almost time to put our game faces on!! Things got so much more real when he said that.
I'm also feeling what I'm pretty sure is our little guy flipping around. I've been feeling something happening for a few days now, but didn't wanna get my hopes up into thinking that's what it was. But it keeps happening, and I'm pretty positive it's him pracitcing his gymnastics. Such a cool feeling knowing he's alive and moving inside me!! I was reading in the parenting magazine at the drs. that, early on like this when you feel movement; it's not the baby just kicking it's the WHOLE baby flipping around. Even though we're halfway through, it's so crazy to think he's still little enough that his whole body can fllip flop inside the womb.    <3

Cole got his first present yesterday from his Aunt:

Adorable!!! Not quite sure why the photo is sideways, but you get the gist. So freaking cute!! I can just see him in it already! I've decided (if it fits), that this is the hat we're gonna bring him home from the hospital in. Exciting!!
His nursery is coming together little by little. His crib is up and ready for him, we have the diaper bag and some blankets and a few onsies and supplies. I find myself going into his room every now and then, and just standing and taking it all in.
My parents offered to give us their old overstuffed rocking chair/recliner, cuz they're getting a new one. I can't wait to rock him in it and just hold him close. So special!
My mom and I registered for my baby shower a few weeks ago. THAT was beyond fun!! Even though the theme of my baby shower is "pay it forward", and I want everyone to get stuff from second-hand shops, or hand-me-downs from their own kids; I wanted some of the big ticket items to be new. Like the stroller and car seat, and high chair, stuff like that.

Can't wait to hold my litle bundled baby and smell is newness! I've heard about new motherhood time and time again from friends, and I'm still having trouble realizing it's my turn.
Jake and I are beyond excited to welcome this new life to the family.
We are blessed beyond words!


  1. Oh this is great! Love reading your thoughts and can't wait to meet your little man boy! Oh .. just beautiful!

  2. I am so unbelievably happy for you, Katie! You are going to be such a wonderful mother. I can't wait to meet the little guy!
