Monday, February 28, 2011

Beyond Blessed, and Very Fickle

I got my results letter from the Police Department, and *drum roll please*. . . . .I didn't pass. Big suprise, I honestly wasn't expecting to. I'm a little glad I didn't pass, because now that I've had the tiniest glimpse of what the job would entail; I don't know if I could handle it. Well, scratch that. I probably could handle it, its that I don't want to hadle it. So as far as trying to take the test again, I don't know if I will.
My new idea (relax, this too will probably change next week), is like a vet tech or something. There is an ROP class for animal and vetrinary careers that I just might take. Who knows, if nothing else, it will be fun and I'll have learned something. As you've probably guess, I am a very fickle person. I'm all for an idea for about 2 weeks; then ka-putz, outta my brain. I joke with Jake that he is the longest thing I've ever help an interest in. But hey, at least I'm interested in a lot of things, and I try.
Ok, now get your barf buckets ready cuz I'm about to get all mushy.
I love my boyfriend. With everything I have in me. I can't quite believe that we will hit 5 wonderful years together later on in July. That blows my mind. He has changed my life in so many ways, and helped create my future. I remember back, to the first few weeks of us dating. I was so shy about kissing him; I stayed away from his lips for 2 whole weeks, panicked that it would be as horrible as my first ever kiss with another guy just months before. But alas, when he did finally kiss me, it was purely, simply, wonderful. No fireworks went off, and I didn't see any stars. But I didn't have to, cuz what I did see, was the start of a relationship with a very gentle and amazing man. Oh, how right I was. Weeks, turned into months, and months dissolved into years. Now, more than four and a half years later; I can truly say that I made the best decision of my life, when I called Jake up and asked him out (yes, close your mouth, I asked him out.)
Now, as I write this, my sweet man is getting some well deserved shut-eye, after working a grueling near 36-hour shift. He's a Foreman for Utility Tree Service, and therefore, has been so busy with the snow storm we had. Not a day goes by, where I'll hear a slow, sweet song, and I'll get lost in my own wonderful thoughts of our future wedding day. My fantasy never gets past me being walked down the isle and into Jake's arms, cuz that's all that's gonna be important to me at the real wedding. Seeing my handsome man in a tux, waiting for his (beautiful, if I don't say so myself) bride.
He is such a genuinely wonderfuly person, inside and out. And, damn, he's handsome! He has been so incredibly good to me. I hope I bring him as much happiness as he brings me, each and every day. He really and truly is my hero. I can't wait til our wedding day, where I will finally and happily become Mrs. Katie Brownlee.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dispatch test

So, the letter I got said to go to Town Hall yesterday (Feb. 3) at 9am, and go to the Council Chambers. When I got there, the door marked Council Chambers was open, but the room was dark and empty. I was also 10 minutes early, and figured had been the first to arrive. So I sat right outside and waited for others to show up. Soon, an older woman came up to me and asked if I was there for the dispatch test. I said yes, and she pointed to yet another door, further down than the one I was already sitting by, marked Council Chambers. I had gone to wrong door. Great. Sure enough, in the second Chambers room, there were about 7 other people listening to a woman at the front of the room. I signed in and quickly took a seat, explaining that I hadn't realized there were two freaking doors marked Council Chambers. But, I was there, and only like one minute late. And so the test began.
There were 11 tests in total. The first few were relatively easy, mostly just common sense, "pick the correct sentence" kinda stuff. Then, the harder stuff began. There was one test where, there was numbers 1-60, and next to every number, was a set of 4 codes (a mixture of random letters and numbers). The woman on the CD (which by the way kept skipping), would start rattling off codes, and our job was to try to recognize the one she had said and match it to one of the four codes on our sheet. All was going smoothly, until the woman starting saying the codes so freaking fast, as if someone had pushed fast forward. It. Was. Impossible. There was no way anybody could understand her once she got going fast. But, that's what the test was testing. I'm guessing I didn't do too well on that one. Hehe.
Overall, it was a pretty intense and stressful 3 hours (yes, 3 whole hours of pure stress and adrenaline). We will get a letter in the mail next week sometime saying we either passed and go onto the interview, or we didn't score high enough.
I honestly don't know which letter I'll be recieving. I feel like I did ok, but I really don't know. There was nothing to compare it too, since that was my first time.
So, the waiting game begins. If I didn't pass, I'm tryin' again.