Saturday, November 5, 2011

Channeling my alter ego

So, for Halloween this year, Jake and I were gonna be a pirate couple. But, Jake not wanting to dress up, and me chopping all my hair off sorta changed those plans. I realize I still coulda been a pirate with short hair (argh!), but I decided to do a 180 from that and go as a punk rocker (yo!). I proudly spend a staggering six dollars and some-odd cents on my costume. . . . .mostly due to the fact that I borrowed 90% of it from my mom. Thanks mom!! So, here it is, digging deep and channeling my inner rebel:

And the hair. .  .

We all went to my sister's Halloween party the Saturday before. Which was also my last day at the store; a bittersweet day followed by a fun night! Dressing up was a family affair. My mom went as a Glam Witch:

My dad went as Captain Morgan Sparrow, and my sister went as Pippi Longstockings:

And then of course there's my handsome man.  : )   

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween!!!

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