Thursday, October 20, 2011

Change is a good thing

Soooo. . . . .drum roll please. . . . . .I GOT THE JOB AT THE HOSPITAL! Yippee!! Okay, here's the breakdown:
I went in last week (at this point, it had been about 9 weeks since my interview), and met the director of Nutritional Services. I introduced myself and was just trying to keep my name is everyone's head. Then, a week later (so, 2 days ago), I got a call from HR saying he wants to do a final interview with me. It just so happened that I had the next day off (yesterday), so we scheduled it. I wasn't sure what to expect for the interview, so I wrote up a little study guide to prep myself in case he started gettin' quizzical.

So, I go to the interview yesterday, and the guy sat down with me and asked me why I wanted to work at the hospital, what I liked about my current job, and why I wanted to leave it. (By the way, he was also a fellow left-hander! ) And then, after talking for a bit about the job in the kitchen, he handed me this:

What I like to call my golden ticket.  : ~ )

So, I filled out some paperwork and set up appointments to get the required physical. I asked the guy if he thought it was ok if I gave my job my 2-week notice. He said as long as I thought the drug test, background check, and physical would come back approved, (cuz they hadn't been done yet) then he didn't see a problem putting my notice in at work. Ding, ding, ding!!! Those were the magic words. After finishing up with him and giving one last handshake; I calmly walked to my car, shut the door, and started freaking out.    : ~ )

Walking into Savemart, I proudly went straight to my boss's office, and put my notice in. The way our schedule timeline works, is that the week runs Sunday through Saturday. So my boss calculated the best date to end on that wouldn't run into another schedule week, and he made my last day to be the 29th of this month. Whiiiiiich works out per-fec-tly, cuz my sister is throwing a Halloween party that day, so it will be the best way to celebrate my end at the store!!
So Savemart will be done that Saturday, then I have about 9 days of complete job freedom, then my orientation for the Hospital is Nov. 7th and 8th. And once that's done, I can start my new job!!
Color me so freakin' excited.

So, now you're all filled in on the latest.  : ~ )
Oh, one more thing, I got myself a haircut! It's a pretty drastic change from what it was, but I so love it!!

Okay, now you're caught up.   : ~ )