Friday, May 6, 2011

Life Ensues

Well let's see, what's been going on in our lives? Work has been going good, busy as always, but good. Exciting news, I have been going to the gym pretty regularly (nearly every day), since the beginning of March, and since then I'm officially down 23 pounds and counting.   : )
Jake has just recently bought a Unimog, (don't worry, I didn't know what that was either.) Its a type of rock-crawler. He is beyond excited for it's arrival and very much looking forward to playing with it for hours on end. He wasted no time in changing our computer desktop image from a lovely picture of us. . . . . . to one of his beloved truck. Now I know where I stand.  ; ) I must say though, the truck is way cool looking and I'm a bit anxious to ride in it myself.
What else. . . . .Jake's work is also going good. Things have calmed way down since the storms a few months back, and he's back to regular routine work hours. No more 36-hour shifts. . . .for a while at least. We'll have to see what summer brings. Hopefully no fires happen.
As far as school for me goes. . . . .*drum roll*. . . .I still have absolutely no idea what I'm wanna do. As I'd mentioned in previous blogs, I was thinking about taking a vet tech course through ROP. . .until I learned it was gonna be like $500 to sign up for it. Aaaaaaand no. So I think what my next course of action will be is to take a career placement test at Butte, and see where I stand. Maye the friggin' test can tell me what I'm interested in, cuz I sure don't know.
I bought a bike about a month ago, (an actual good quality bike, unlike my last one that I proudly got at trusty Wal-mart.) I'm very much in love and try to ride it as often as I can. I'd love to be able to ride to work but, 1.) The hills are a little too steep to make any timely progress on, and 2.) I'd look like hell by the time I actually got to work, (3 years later).
Well, I think that's all the new and exciting stuff I can squeeze outta my brain for now. Keep reading, it excites me to know that I'm writing for someone to read and enjoy, as opposed to just a diary of sorts.
Have a lovely day!